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متن مرتبط با «valgrind corrupt memory» در سایت back soft نوشته شده است

Accessing protected memory raises a SIGBUS signal instead of SIGSEGV

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Do raw type declarations take more memory and can lead to memory leak problems?

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • work with xlsx files without saving in local memory

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Is there an alternative so that Garbage Collection don't take much time to free up the memory?

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Out of memory on Samsung Galaxy series

  • Vote count: 0I have a welcome layout that is my first layout when start the app . I can run the project succeed in other devices and Android Studio emulator. But when i try to run on Genymotion emulator with Samsung Galaxy series , it sh, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Corrupt Valgrind?

  • Vote count: 0 I have the following simple program: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ero.h> #define handle_error_en(en, msg) {do { ero = en; perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0);} #define status_check(stat) ((stat != 0) ? (handle_error_en(stat, "status error")) : ((void)0)) static void* thread_start(void *arg) { printf("%sn", "thread working.."); sleep(1); retu NULL; } int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int status; pthread_t thread; status = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, thread_start, NULL); status_check(status); status = pthread_join(thread, NULL); status_check(status); printf("%sn", "exit program.."); retu 0; } When I run Valgind with Valgrind --tool=helgrind ./threads_simple I get 54 errors, all being data rac,valgrind corrupt memory,valgrind corrupt heap ...ادامه مطلب

  • eclipse link 2.5, weblogic 12c, DM S memory issue

  • Vote count: 0 In one of our application benchmarks with JPA 2.5 + weblogic 12c there is a strange memory related issue. The heap memory keeps increasing with benchmark & eventually it runs out. Analyzing the heap dump of managed server indicates the size of in the heap is close to ~99%. Most of the events in event listener are related to org.eclipse.persistence.inteal.sessions.RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork. There is no special config enabled for JPA or eclipselink. Has anyone faced the same issue. What other specific configuration need to be enabled so the DMS event is not generated or this issue is expected. asked 29 secs agoprassank Let's block ads! بخوانید,eclipselink 2 5,eclipselink 2 5 2,eclipselink 2 5 download ...ادامه مطلب

  • Matlab and out of memory error

  • Vote count: 0 I am working with a sparse tensor of size 5440 * 2538 * 368, which only takes 21 MB of memory. However I am using a ParCube tensor factorization and there it creates a zeros matrix and hence there I get out of memory error. Unfortunately unlike other algorithms, for tensor factorization I cannot break data and work with smaller pieces. I am running this on a Linux server with almost 109GB of free memory. I have read this, but it seems that it doesn't work either. Any help is appreciated. asked 45 secs agoErin Let's block ads! بخوانید,matlab out of memory error,matlab out of memory error java heap space,matlab out of memory error identifier,matlab java out of memory error,matlab catch out of memory error ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to handle memory in aws cpp sdk?

  • Vote count: 0 I recently have worked on aws-cpp-sdk from AWS service. But unfortunately I couldn't understand how to handle memory because there aren't enough tutorials or examples on the inteet. What I have tried are as follows.1. built aws-cpp-sdk as a 64bit shared dll for windows x64(exactly win10, vs 2015) using CMake.2. And used that library in win32 console application to test.3. But it's complicated while using their SDK.First attached my code #include "stdafx.h" #include <awss3S3Client.h> #include <awscoreAws.h> #include <awss3modelPutObjectRequest.h> using namespace Aws; using namespace Aws::S3; using namespace Aws::S3::Model; static const char* ALLOCATION_TAG = "memory"; static const char* S3_BUCKET_NAME = "XXXXXXXX"; static const char* S3_KEY = "Hello"; int main() { Aws::SDKOptions options; Aws::InitAPI(options); Client::Client,how to handle stress,how to handle anxiety,how to handle rejection,how to handle disrespectful grown children,how to handle dry ice,how to handle anger,how to handle depression,how to handle a break up,how to handle conflict,how to handle a bully ...ادامه مطلب

  • Running EXE from buffer in memory

  • Vote count: 0 i'm trying to make exe packer 5 extract exe to buffer(in my case: vector) add new section get offset of new EP and run but after call newmain i got 0xC0000005 main.cpp: pastebin #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include "main.h" typedef struct _BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY { WORD Offset : 12; WORD Type : 4; } BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY; BOOL applyRelocBlock(BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY* block, size_t entriesNum, DWORD page, PVOID newBase) { PVOID ImageBaseAddress = NtCurrentTeb()->Peb->ImageBaseAddress; BASE_RELOCATION_ENTRY* entry = block; for (int i = 0; i < entriesNum; i++) { DWORD offset = entry->Offset; DWORD type = entry->Type; if (entry == NULL || type == 0 || offset == 0) { //printf("Applied relocations: %dn", i); retu TRUE; //finish } if,running exe from powershell,running exe from command line,running exe from cmd,running exe from c#,running exe from java,running exe from python,running exe from batch file,running exe from cygwin,running exe from network share,running exe from javascript ...ادامه مطلب

  • Maui: Limit processor-seconds, weighted by memory

  • Vote count: 0 I am aware of MAXPS to limit processor seconds, weighted by number of cores. Is there a similar way to do this, but for memory usage? I am also aware of MAXPE, but this is does not depends on walltime. My goal is to enable users to utilize a high percentage of available memory, but only if the cumulative walltime is low i.e. they will free up memory quickly. asked 48 secs agoVince Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Is the expression that allocates memory rvalue expression or lvalue expression?

  • Vote count: 0 Let say I have the following code int main(){ new int; // Is this expression l-value or r-value?? retu 0; } I know that lvalues are persistent object (since it has specific place in memory from where we can access latter even after the expression ends) and rvalues are temporary object (it has no place in memory and vaporizes after the expression ends). I saw some where that it is rvalue expression. How can it be rvalue if we the expression retus an address ( a specific place in memory). Or Is it rvalue because what ever the expression new int retus (an address value), it vanishes and could never be caught. asked 54 secs agopokche Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • WebAPI memory leak in BuildManager

  • Vote count: 0 I have a precompiled web app (32 bit) where the memory usage slowly rises until I get OutOfMemoryExceptions. Using a profiler, I've observed that the prime suspect is strings in System.Web.VirtualPath objects, which are in tu stored in the _localResourcesAssemblies Hashtable in a System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager object. Those entries seem to get added in batches of about 50 MB, once every 4-6 hours. I'm stuck -- I have no clue what is calling into the BuildManager which adds those entries. Looking at the entries, they contain paths that match valid routes of an attribute-routed controller (or parent paths of valid route paths). No files should be changing in the application's directory. I set up a simple web app with similar routes to see if I could reproduce the problem, but I haven't been able to reproduce the problem on the test app. Any ideas on how I can find what is calling into the BuildManager (sealed class, probably singleton) object? asked 32 secs agocgroneman Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to release memory created by SKTexture

  • Vote count: 0 I have an application that creates scene kit textures using the following: let texture = SKTexture(image: image) The problem is that after several calls, the application crashes due to low memory. I really only need the most recently created texture so when creating a new one, the old one's memory can be released, however, Scene Kit seems to be holding on to these textures even when they aren't being used anymore (the nodes are no longer part of the scene). How can I manually tell Scene Kit to release the memory and cache of the texture so I don't get into the low memory crashing situation? asked 37 secs agoGujamin Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Export large data to xls format: System out of memory Exception

  • Vote count: 0 I am exporting a large DataTable to an Excel sheet (.xls) format. I call stored procedure here, which retus the DataTable. The stored procedure used to retu 7,50,000 rows with 93 columns. In back end, if I pass the parameters for the stored procedure, it takes 8 mins to complete the process, since it is a long process. But when I call the procedure from the front end, while assigning the records to the DataTable, "System Out Of Memory" exception occurring. So When I google it, I came to know it is because the size exceeds the server RAM size, so it throws this exception. What is the alteate way for this? Anyone suggest me. Below is my code, C#: DataTable dt = BindDatatable(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", "MBQ_Auto.xls")); Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel"; //Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; //Response.ContentType = "text/tab-separated-values"; string str = string.Empty; foreach (DataColumn dtcol in dt.Columns) { Response.Write(str + dtcol.ColumnName); str = "t"; } Response.Write("n"); int rowCount = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { str = ""; for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { Response.Write(str + Convert.ToString(dr[j])); str = "t"; } Response.Write("n"); if (unchecked(++rowCount % 1024 == 0)) Response.Flush(); } Response.End(); asked 29 secs agothevan Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

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