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متن مرتبط با «messages» در سایت back soft نوشته شده است

Django: Working With Messages

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Receiving empty json messages from edge device

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • send messages from sim card without provider and without gsm using mvc

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to retrive older messages in ActiveMQ queue

  • Vote count: 0 Iam working on ActiveMQ application where iam using a consumer which uses Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE. Iam sending the messages received from queue in consumer to a webservice.Assume if i don do message.acknowledge() all the messages sent to webservice are back on the queue in enqueued state. My question is how to retrieve the messages again from the queue and use it.I used retroactive=true and tried redelivery also but all of them are failing. How to avoid this. asked 48 secs agoChetan Sistla Let's block ads! بخوانید,how to retrieve,how to retrieve deleted texts on iphone,how to retrieve deleted emails,how to retrieve deleted text,how to retrieve apple id,how to retrieve deleted texts on iphone 6,how to retrieve old text messages,how to retrieve text messages,how to retrieve deleted emails from gmail,how to retrieve photos from icloud ...ادامه مطلب

  • Websocket messages -

  • Vote count: -1 For a real-time multiplayer game, the server is sending binary messages to the client with Websocket. The first byte (uint8) of a message would be the "packet ID". Example: packet 1 to "update entity": x, y, score, name in the next bytes. But, to optimize the bandwidth, I would like to send only values that change between 2 frames. Example (all values changed): packet 2 to "update entity position": x, y packet 3 to "update entity score": score packet 4 to "update entity name": name My question is: is sending a lot of messages (packet 2, 3, 4) the same than sending 1 message (1 packet) not divided, in term of size (without considering the additional "packet ID" byte, negligible) ? Isn't there an additional cost to each Websocket message ? asked 2 mins agoMiyud Let's block ads! بخوانید,websocket messages,websocket messages per second,websocket lost messages,parsing websocket messages,websocket binary messages,websocket control messages,websocket error messages,spring websocket message sending operations,websocket past messages,websocket view messages ...ادامه مطلب

  • mysql stored procedures with error messages

  • Vote count: 0 I'm having some with registerusers stored procedure with error message and when I executed the result I got an error that says:' MySQL said: Documentation declare checkfirstnamecount int; declare checklastn' at line 10' Here's my stored procedure: DELIMITER go Create procedure registerusers( Out UserID tinyint(11), IN iFirstName varchar(30), IN iLastName varchar(30), IN iPassword varchar(30), IN iEmailAddress varchar(30), IN iSalt varchar(40), IN iRoleID varchar(1)) BEGIN --declaring local variable declare checkfirstnamecount int; declare checklastnamecount int; declare checkpasswordcount int; delcare checksaltcount int; declare checkroleidcount int; declare checkemailcount int; declare checkexistingemailaddress varchar(30); --checking the email address for one count select count(emailaddress) into checkemailcount from users where emailaddress = iEmailaddress; --checking the password for one count select count(Password) into checkpasswordcount from user,mysql stored procedure error message,mysql stored procedure error codes,mysql stored procedure return error message,mysql stored procedure get error message,mysql stored procedure print error message ...ادامه مطلب

  • RabbitMQ C++ client for old debian

  • Vote count: 0 I have an old Debian (Lenny), on which I develop an application that should connect to RabbitMQ. I downloaded the official C++ client rabbitmq-c-0.8.0 from , but unfortunately, I can't compile it on my old Debian: wget tar zxvf v0.8.0.tar.gz autoreconf -i Result: autoreconf -i /usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17: waing: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_LIBMCRYPT /usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17: run info '(automake)Extending aclocal' /usr/share/aclocal/libmcrypt.m4:17: or see Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add `AC_PROG_LIBTOOL' to `' and run `aclocal' and `auto,rabbitmq c client,rabbitmq c client tutorial,rabbitmq c client windows,rabbitmq c client heartbeat,rabbitmq c client ssl,rabbitmq c client linux,amqp c client,rabbitmq objective-c client,rabbitmq client lib,objective-c-rabbitmq-client-not-publishing-messages-to-queue ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to print Javascript order of code execution by line numbers [No Debugging]

  • Vote count: 0 In my Node.JS code, i wanted to know some of my asynchronous code execution without debugging (debugging could interrupt my asynchronous cals) application by printing out all filename: line numbers, in order of code execution. As of now, i'm using DEBUG=* npm start to see debug logs on express. But, it's not giving enough information i'm looking for. Is there any better way or module to achieve this? asked 1 min agoPrasad.CH Let's block ads! بخوانید,how to print screen,how to print screen on mac,how to print from ipad,how to print screen on windows,how to print,how to print double sided,how to print screen on windows 10,how to print screen on hp,how to print text messages,how to print labels ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to archive user messages in ejabberd in sql database?

  • Vote count: 0 Hi we had used ejabberd 16.04 version for chat application, and i can perform user creation and sending message now what i need is i want to archive messages but i couldn't so kindly look into below code and guide me where i went wrong? Some of the my ejabberd code: auth_method: sql default_db: sql Database connection: ## ## MySQL server: ## sql_type: mysql sql_server: "" sql_database: "ejabberd" sql_useame: "root" sql_password: "1231231213" modules: mod_mam: db_type: sql Error log: 2016-07-18 12:36:49.039 [waing] <0.26092.2>@ejabberd_config:default_db:884 Module 'mod_carboncopy' doesn't support database 'sql' defined in option 'default_db', using 'mnesia' as fallback asked 55 secs agoMani Kandan Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • JSQMessagesViewController changedBubbleImage not working

  • Vote count: 0 I try to change the default MessagesBubbleImage of JSQMessagesViewController by passing custom image into init method, but it's not working, here is the code outgoingBubbleImageView = JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory.init(bubbleImage: UIImage(named: "bubbleMine"), capInsets: UIEdgeInsetsZero).outgoingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor(UIColor.grayColor()) asked 37 secs agobikram sapkota This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service - if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at article from Most Labour MPs in the UK Are Revolting., ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to read messages from the beginning of Kafka queue (programmatically)?

  • Vote count: 0 When Kafka Consumer is launched from terminal, it is possible to set --from-beginning, so that the consumer read messages from the beginning of a Kafka queue. ~/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic TutorialTopic --from-beginning However, how can I set this parameter in Scala (or Java)? This is my sample ConsumerConfig: def createConsumerConfig(zookeeper: String, groupId: String): ConsumerConfig = { val props = new Properties() props.put("zookeeper.connect", zookeeper); props.put("", groupId); props.put("auto.offset.reset", "largest"); props.put("", "400"); props.put("", "200"); props.put("", "1000"); val config = new ConsumerConfig(props) config } asked 30 secs agoKlue Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Phoenix Channel sending messages from a client outside the project

  • Vote count: 0 I wanted to send a message to my user channel of my Phoenix Application. I have joined a user_token with the channel as users:user_token in the user_channel.ex . I was successful doing it from another controller called the toy_controller by calling a broadcast method. The broadcast method is in the user channel. And I have written a jQuery file to handle the events. I was looking for something which can send messages to the same channel from outside of the project, because I wanted to do some IoT stuff. I have tried a python module called occamy.socket and the JS client of Phoenix that it uses inteally. Then, I found a disconnection always. I can't figure out the exact address of the websocket connection from Phoenix. If I am trying it with that Phoenix npm library in that project folder itself, it says ReferenceError: window is not defined always. And, I think it is because of the initialization part of the socket in the web/static/js/socket.js file where it's written as let socket = new Socket("/socket", {params: {token: window.userToken}}) , but I am not sure. The thing that I have tried is below var Socket = require("phoenix-socket").Socket; var socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:4000/socket"); In the python client, I was also trying to connect to this address and got a disconnection error. I want to do it for IoT purposes, where I want to monitor sensor data of a user. Each user will be having their own sensors to be monitored. So, I have configured the channel topic:subtopic channel as users:user_token . I need to send messages from my raspberry pi to this channel using those unique tokens of the users. My user_channel, user.js, app.js and socket.js //web/static/js/socket.js import {Socket} from "phoenix" let socket = new Socket("/socket", {params: {token: window.userToken}}) socket.connect() export default socket //web/static/app.js import "phoenix_html" import user from "./user" files , ...ادامه مطلب

  • Should arriving GCM messages be displayed by Android?

  • Vote count: 0 The problem is that my GCM message arrives at my app but is not (automatically) displayed on screen. 07-06 21:33:11.525 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x10000010 pkg=com.example.myapp cmp=com.example.myapp/ (has extras) }, 07-06 21:33:11.534 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { flg=0x10000010 pkg=com.example.myapp (has extras) } packageName=com.example.myapp resultCode=-1 resultData=null resultExtras=null} 07-06 21:33:11.539 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: SVC-Calling onStartCommand: com.example.myapp.MyGcmListenerService@bc04a0c, flags=0, startId=1 07-06 21:33:11.539 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: SVC-Creating service: CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@df9e13f className=com.example.myapp.MyGcmListenerService packageName=com.example.myapp intent=null} 07-06 21:33:11.539 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: SVC-CREATE_SERVICE handled : 0 / CreateServiceData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@df9e13f className=com.example.myapp.MyGcmListenerService packageName=com.example.myapp intent=null} 07-06 21:33:11.543 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: SVC-SERVICE_ARGS handled : 0 / ServiceArgsData{token=android.os.BinderProxy@df9e13f startId=1 args=Intent { flg=0x10000010 pkg=com.example.myapp (has extras) }}07-06 21:33:11.565 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: SVC-Destroying service: com.example.myapp.MyGcmListenerService@bc04a0c 07-06 21:33:11.565 11269-11269/com.example.myapp D/ActivityThread: SVC-STOP_SERVICE handled : 0 / android.os.BinderProxy@df9e13f 07-07 21:33:11.564 11269-11530/com.example.myapp D/MyGcmListenerService: bundle, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to send same acknowledgement message for soap request messages with different Body structure

  • Vote count: 0 I am trying to integrate my application with a third party tool which is exposed through a web service. The mode of communication is asynchronous. I send the soap request and get the ack for the same, this part is fine.The third party sends the response for my request to my webservice. Problem i am facing is the Response body has different structure based on my request. I have defined one method in my webservice which listens the response and sends ack to the third party tool which is as below import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.HandlerChain; import javax.jws.WebMethod; @WebService(targetNamespace = "") @HandlerChain(file = "handler.xml") public class MyFirstWebService { @WebMethod(operationName = "CreateResponse") public void sendRequest() { } } This works fine when the body is as below 6B29FC40-CA47-1067-B31D-00DD010662DA 1234567890 It wont work when the response message is as below 6B29FC40-CA47-1067-B31D-00DD010662DA 1234567890 I tried to create another method in the webservice as below but its throwing error saying duplicate methods with name sendrequest @WebMethod(operationName = "GetResponse") public void sendRequest() { } please help in fixing this asked 29 secs agouser1861033 Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Devise login doesn't work / no error messages

  • Vote count: 0 Guys i've looked everywhere to fix this issue but I'm out of luck. I got a devise login system and i signed up an account [email protected] in development and on the log i got the confirmation email and i went to that email and so my account got confirmed. Now when i try to login the console gives me this message: Started GET "/users/sign_in?utf8=%E2%9C%93&authenticity_token=iHIEXxGHWaIdtAGhcZ7EKvEEEYGmoEfgr1K8NcKb9nFIXuD6dpMVimOO6aBEdZJUWv9Irt%2FT0vnaucjW%2BgmJQQ%3D%3D&[FILTERED]&user%5Bremember_me%5D=0&commit=Log+in" for ::1 at 2016-06-01 13:11:54 +0200 Processing by Devise::SessionsController#new as HTML Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"iHIEXxGHWaIdtAGhcZ7EKvEEEYGmoEfgr1K8NcKb9nFIXuD6dpMVimOO6aBEdZJUWv9Irt/T0vnaucjW+gmJQQ==", "user"=>{"email"=>"[email protected]", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "remember_me"=>"0"}, "commit"=>"Log in"} Rendered devise/sessions/new.html.erb within layouts/application (3.7ms) Rendered partials/_header.html.erb (0.5ms) Rendered partials/_menu.html.erb (0.2ms) Rendered shared/_breadcrumbs.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered partials/_footer.html.erb (0.0ms) Rendered partials/_javascripts.html.erb (0.0ms) Completed 200 OK in 143ms (Views: 52.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) After this the page just refreshes and i'm not logged in. When i go to resend confirmation instructions it says 'email is already confirmed, try signing in' My sign in form looks like this: <% provide(:title, "Sign in") %> <div class="col-md-12"> <form class="sign-box"> <header class="sign-title"> Sign in </header> <%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: session_path(resource_name)) do |f| %> <% if devise_error_messages!.present? %> <div class="alert alert-waing alert-icon alert-close alert-dismissable fade in" role="alert"> <button type="butt, ...ادامه مطلب

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