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Collapse/expand GPU CSS3 smooth transition

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to specify TO value for Double Animation as Auto WPF

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to a create custom view with loading animation - filling custom text from left to right?

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to make Marker on GoogleMaps in iOS change it's position without animation

  • امروزدخترم رابردم دندانپزشکی .یکی ازهمکاران قدیمی به اسم خانم شریفی رادیدم خوشحال شدم ،راستش برای من فرقی نمی کنه که خاطره خوب ازهمکارام داشته باشم یانه وقتی بعدازمدتهااونهارامی بینم خوشحال میشم،بعدرف, ...ادامه مطلب

  • Play animation when content get into view

  • Vote count: 0I've been searching on many posts but almost all of them are confusing.I'm working with animate.css into a which is at the middle of my page. For default the animation is played when the page is loaded, but i want that it p, ...ادامه مطلب

  • D3.js Adding links between elements in a radial tree (Hierarchical edge bundling elements)

  • Vote count: 0 A couple of months ago, I tried combining Hierarchical Edge Bundling and Radial Reingold–Tilford Tree using d3.js I started from the HEB and tried to make it into a tree. Things have not worked out the way I wanted, and I realized it might be better to start from a collapsible radial tree (not Reingold Tilford), with a different angle. Here is a JSFiddle of the radial tree The data model has also changed, as elements now have a name, children and imports (links). var flare = { "name": "root", "children": [ { "name": "test1.parent1","children": [ {"name": "test1.child11","children": [ {"name": "test1.child111"}, {"name": "test1.child112"} ]} ],"imports": ["test2.parent2","test3.parent3","test4.parent4"] }, { "name": "test2.parent2","children": [ {"name": "test2.child21"}, {"name": "test2.child,d3 js add links,d3 js append link ...ادامه مطلب

  • CSS3 radial gradient

  • Vote count: 0 I need to know if this is even possible. The "creative" photoshop department comes up with this image, and before it was just a gradient fading from 1 to 5 colors. They still do this, but they now how a white circle on top of it. How would i even go about accomplishing this. the examples syntax have no exact positioning. Many thanks in advance. asked 18 secs agoMichael Rudner Evanchik Let's block ads! بخوانید,css3 radial gradient,css3 radial gradient generator,css3 radial gradient background,css3 radial gradient position,css3 radial gradient animation,css3 radial gradient with transparency,css3 radial gradient ellipse,css3 radial gradient syntax,css3 radial gradient examples,css3 radial gradient size ...ادامه مطلب

  • Moving Image controls for animation in WPF

  • Vote count: 0 I am making a game in wpf. I am using Image Controls to display the sprites. Below is an example of the animation scripts I am using. It works fine but, if I get more then 35-40 images moving on screen, I have frame rate drop. Looking for any suggestions on more efficient animation. while (GTC_isGamePlaying) { Thread.Sleep(GTC_PlayerPrimaryWeapon.GetSpeed()); if (!GTC_isGamePaused) { //CheckForCollision(); xCord += GTC_PlayerPrimaryWeapon.GetDistance(); yCord += slope * GTC_PlayerPrimaryWeapon.GetDistance(); SetImagePosition(item.Key, xCord, yCord); if (xCord > 1280) { SetImagePosition(item.Key, 2000, 2000); break; , ...ادامه مطلب

  • gradient angular js not responding

  • Vote count: 0 i am trying to use gradient for my charts with angularjs1 using angular-chart.js version 1.0.0 but it seems that fillcolor does not recognize gradient here is my code down below var app = angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ngCordova', 'chart.js', 'ionic-modal-select']).controller('graphCtrl', function($scope) { var ctx = document.getElementById('base2').getContext('2d'); var gradient =ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 400); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(243, 103, 101,0.5)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0, 89, 179,0.5)'); $scope.labels2 = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']; $scope.data2 = [ [65, -59, 80, 81, -56, 55, -40], [28, 48, -40, 19, 86, 27, 90] ]; $scope.type2 = 'bar'; $scope.colors2 = [{ fillColor: gradient, strokeColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', pointColor: 'rgba(151,187,205,1)', pointStrokeColor: '#fff', pointHighlightFill: '#fff', pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(151,187,205,0.8)' }, { pointDot: false, pointDotRadius: 0, fillColor: gradient, strokeColor: 'rgba(187,155,206,1)', pointColor: '#BB9BCE', pointStrokeColor: 'rgba(187,155,206,1)', pointHighlightFill: '#fff', pointHighlightStroke: 'rgba(187,155,206,1)' }]; $scope.datasetOverride2 = [{ label: "Bar chart", borderWidbelowbelowth: 1, type: 'bar' }, { label: "Line chart", borderWidth: 3, hoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(255,99,132,0.4)", hoverBorderColor: "rgba(255,99,132,1)", type: 'line' }]; }); <script src=""></script> <div class="chart-container" > <canvas id="base2" class="chart-base" chart-type="type2" chart- data="data2" chart-labels="labels2" chart-colours="colors2" chart- options="options2" chart-dataset-override="datasetOverride2" > , ...ادامه مطلب

  • Android SVG with Gradient on API +17

  • Vote count: 0 I decide to create my own splash screen for my android applications, i want to draw path and fill my brand logo as a SVG with Animation, so i searched about android SVG libraries and then find this : this library has a good performance on solid colors: Screen shot from emulator Question: My logo has gradient patte and this library and other libraries i've searched before doesn't support gradient. i created a xml gradient into drawable : radial_gradient.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape android:shape="rectangle" xmlns:android=""> <gradient android:type="radial" android:startColor="#34364E" android:endColor="#0C0824" android:gradientRadius="100" android:angle="270" android:centerX="-183.6897" android:centerY="328.9722"/> </shape> and use it to one of color array items : <integer-array name="svg_path_colors"> <item>@drawable/radial_gradient</item> <item>@color/google_red</item> <item>@color/google_yellow</item> <item>@color/google_blue</item> </integer-array> this trick doesn't work for me please show me a good way for animate my SVG with gradient fill , firt draw SVG path then fill SVG gradient background. THANKS asked 40 secs agoSajjad.Saraji This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service - if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at article from Most Labour MPs in the UK Are Revolting., ...ادامه مطلب

  • Angular Animation When Filtering Out Objects

  • Vote count: 0 In Angular I'm having trouble animating the transition of an objects position after an Angular filter completes. I've created a codepen to demo the functionality. Now the opacity transitions to fadeinout those objects work fine once the filter is run but then they jump into their new position, and I would much rather prefer to apply a smooth transition to this as well. ul.nav li { transition: all ease 2s ; }, { transition: all 500ms; }, { opacity: 0; width: 0px; height: 0px; }, { opacity: 1; width: 150px; height: 30px; } Any ideas? Joe asked 33 secs agoJoe Keohan This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service - if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at article from Most Labour MPs in the UK Are Revolting., ...ادامه مطلب

  • CSS3 add cursor transitions

  • Vote count: 0 Is it possible to add a css3 transition to a cursor image which in the body tag without animate the whole body ... perhaps adding the class somewhere? .cursor { cursor: url("/images/light1_CROP.png"), auto; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-name: changewidth; animation-direction: alteate; animation-duration: 4.1s; } [...] won't work ... asked 39 secs agoShorty Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • 4 row 4 columns bootstrap responsive carousel animation script

  • Vote count: 0 I need this type of 4 row 4 columns bootstrap responsive carousel animation script <ol class="carousel-indicators"> <li data-target="#Carousel" data-slide-to="0" class="active"></li> <li data-target="#Carousel" data-slide-to="1"></li> <li data-target="#Carousel" data-slide-to="2"></li> </ol> <!-- Carousel items --> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="item active"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="Image" style="max-width:100%;"></a></div> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="Image" style="max-width:100%;"></a></div> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="Image" style="max-width:100%;"></a></div> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="Image" style="max-width:100%;"></a></div> </div><!--.row--> </div><!--.item--> <div class="item"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="Image" style="max-width:100%;"></a></div> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="Image" style="max-width:100%;"></a></div> <div class="col-md-3"><a href="#" class="thumbnail"><img src="http://, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How to create this kind of animation for a listview?

  • Vote count: 0 What I want to do I've got only the first animation: <set xmlns:android="" android:duration="1000" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_interpolator"> <scale android:fromXScale="1" android:fromYScale="1.0" android:pivotX="100%" android:pivotY="0%" android:toXScale="1.0" android:toYScale="0.0"> </scale> and it makes my list view item being removed and scaled. However, what I didn't figure out yet is how to build the second animation what push the rest of the items up. This is what I built:What I reached to do Thanks ahead! asked 1 min agoAssaf Zfani Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

  • How can I stop an CSS animation from interfering with a CSS transform transition?

  • Vote count: 0 Lets say I've got a box that I want to wobble when hovered over - a nuance design choice. But when a button is clicked I want the box to transform to the right. It does this, but even though I'm applying pointer-events: none to the element, its still reacting to its CSS hover effect telling it to wobble, which interrupts the CSS transform activated by the button click. To observe this problem, hover over the box after clicking the button, while it's in motion. How to I keep the wobble animation from interrupting while the transform transition is in progress? $(function() { var $box = $('.box'); var $button = $('.button'); $button.on('click', function() { $box.css({ 'transform' : 'translateX(200px)', 'pointer-events' : 'none !important' }); setTimeout(function(){ $box.css({ 'transform' : 'translateX(0px)', 'pointer-events' : '' }); }, 3000); }); }); @import url(,800); .box { background-color: lightgray; width: 100px; height: 100px; transition: transform 3s, background-color 1s; } .box:hover { background-color: gold; animation: wobble 1s; } .button { cursor:pointer; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; margin-top:10px; text-transform: uppercase; padding:10px; background-color:lightgreen; width:100px; height:40px; box-sizing:border-box; text-align:center; } @keyframes wobble { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 25% { transform: rotate(3deg); } 75% { transform: rotate(-3deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(0deg); } } <script src=""></script> <div class="box"></div> <div class="button">button</div> asked 44 secs agoViziionary Let's block ads! بخوانید, ...ادامه مطلب

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